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12-19-10, 03:37 PM   #293
An Aku'mai Servant
Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 36
Originally Posted by zynix View Post
Hey guys, long time
I'm (still) loving LitePanels, but I have one issue - oUF.

The problem is that when I parent a frame to the player and target (in this case, I use oUF_Svelte, so its oUF_SveltePlayer/Target), it produces 20+ errors per second (OnUpdate I think).
I had the same problem parenting to oUF_Slim, so I went for another workaround route -- I coded the "panels" directly into the oUF layout. It may not work the same for Svelte, but I put the following code under the code for each individual unit (and adjusted setpoint/sizes based on the art):

		local TFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", nil, self)
		TFrame:SetPoint("CENTER", self, "CENTER", -1, -2);
		TFrame:SetBackdrop({bgFile = "Interface\\AddOns\\dMedia\\sevUnitLong", tile = false})
I'm a bit of a noob with these things, so if there's something wrong with doing it that way anyone can feel free to enlighten me :x

Also, tex_file works fine for me, but I don't put the whole path in, since I have a "media" folder that I put the textures in - this is what one of my working panels looks like:

	{ name = "Top", parent = "UIParent", anchor_to="TOP", height=64,
		tex_file="sevTop", width=512 },
As you can see, it doesn't mess with alpha or color anything, so maybe that's why mine works? idk :/
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