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12-23-11, 05:55 AM   #10
A Cliff Giant
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 72
Originally Posted by Vladinator View Post
You can put the code that updates the talent information to run each time the events fire for entering world and talent changes: "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD" and "ACTIVE_TALENT_GROUP_CHANGED".

Note that the PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD event will fire each time you get a loading screen, if you only need it to run once at login then you can use "PLAYER_LOGIN" instead but it's up to you, if the update function is so small it's not a performance impact at all I'd put it to run at entering world like suggested.

Just an example, haven't actually tried it:
local class, primary, anim -- you can then use these anywhere in the file, think of them like "global variables" only for the file itself
local f = CreateFrame("Frame"):
f:SetScript("OnEvent", function(f, event, ...)
  _, class = UnitClass("player")
  primary = GetPrimaryTalentTree(false, false)
  if class == "DEATHKNIGHT" then
    if primary == 1 then
      anim = {enable = true, animhealth = 7, animmana = 9, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 0.5, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true}
    elseif primary == 2 then
      anim = {enable = true, animhealth = 27, animmana = 9, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 0.5, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = true, manadecreasealpha = true}
      anim = {enable = true, animhealth = 28, animmana = 9, classcolored = false, powertypecolored = false, healthmultiplier = 0.5, manamultiplier = 1, healthdecreasealpha = false, manadecreasealpha = true}

thanks im gonna start tinkering!.
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