Thread: 1920x1080
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12-11-09, 05:06 PM   #6
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 5
Might be beating a dead horse here, since the last replay is 3 months old, but....

I have 2 questions:

32" monitor here. Its only 1080i, so the fonts kinda look broken up at times. I've forced it into 1080p, however, fonts were no clearer. nUI takes up ALOT of the screen space, which is both good and bad. I can actually see the font better that way. With a way to increase the fonts, easier than scaling, I've turned my attention to maybe scaling the UI for 1080. I had a thought, and I'm just running this by you, if I set my UI scale in the interface menu from the Blizzard ESC menu, to say, .5, and then log out of the game completely, install nUI, boot up, will the ui still not go from 1 side to another, etc? I hope that made sense. I'm just trying to avoid having to edit files, log in, log out, edit, rinse/repeat till its right.

Second question is off topic: How do I open up more hotbars? I like to have 2 bars on the right side of my hud with my combat stuff in it, but can't seem to fiind anywhere that allows me to open up more hotbars.

Thanx for the time.