Thread: Carbonite 5.0
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09-13-12, 11:04 PM   #97
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 134
Originally Posted by Rythal View Post
Second, The carbonite page specifically asks you to vote for what feature you'd like added when you pay, the forum topic at the top of this forum about voting
Now that is something that hasn't been brought up before, and I could see that to be very misleading. Also note that it isn't "paying for the feature" but voting for donors (and subscription users back when it was subscription). I remember a while back when they instituted that, but new people wouldn't and I wouldn't expect them to. That is something they should remove and apologize for having that still up. And FYI - I've donated many times without expecting further enhancements. The first radial button is blank and would indicate (to me) that it didn't matter. They seem to have forgotten their website (and after it moved to WI, so did I).