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06-16-09, 09:13 AM   #2
nUI's Author
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Totem timers are on the to-do list and moving up the food chain pretty fast now. I have rolled a shammy to test and develop with and just need to level him to a useful place before I start.

As for fat health bars... nUI's unit frames and HUD are both 100% configurable. Have a look at [ Interface > AddOns > nUI > Layouts > Default > UnitPanels > {panel mode} > nUI_UnitSkin_{panel mode}_{unit id}.lua ] and search for the ["Health"] and ["Power"] segments to see how they are configured. In due time there will be GUI tools for modifying the layouts, for now it requires hand editing the parameters for the display elements.

And, as you noted, GRID style unit frames are coming.

My primary point of focus at the moment is finishing the re-write of the nUI_UnitAura, nUI_UnitRaidSort and nUI_UnitSpec modules which are the three key elements I have not refactored for the new event engine to address the memory/garbage collector/FPS issues brought on in WoW patch 3.0 and 3.1

As soon as those are done, the next order of business is finishing the custom layout engine at which time it will be possible to offer optional downloadable class specific layouts for nUI as well as built in "role" layouts for DPS, tank and healer.

While I'm doing those two things I'll be working on levelling my shammy and once those items are complete, I'll get to work on totem timers and such.

What people don't get is that I am, ultimately, an artist at heart.
My brush has two colors, 1 and 0, and my canvas is made of silicon.

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