Thread: RealUI
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10-20-12, 11:18 PM   #16
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Dec 2009
Posts: 3
I'd like to track spellid 108381 in nibpointdisplay (a druid talent that starts at 2 stacks), so I added it to the core.lua for nibpointdisplay. Now I see two points whenever I gain the buff, but I also see it whenever I have the 108382 buff. This is the other half of the same talent and has the same name but a different spell icon and id. Having it displayed is interfering with DPS. The same thing happened when I tried to set up a bar to track it in nibicehud -- it just gave me a bar for either 108381 or 108382, whichever was longer.

I've posted the lines I edited into the core.lua here: