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08-15-10, 03:52 PM   #12
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 142
Originally Posted by ChaosInc View Post
You have nothing on me, dear sir.

As far as the OP, I'd kill to be new to the game again. I remember when I logged in and made my undead for the first time. The intrigue and curiosity that came with it. So much to explore, so much to learn and so much to kill.
It's not like logging on for the first time. It's being clueless all over again. There is no intrigue or curiosity in that.
I longed to reach a level where I could participate in the Southshore/Crossroads/Theramore raids (this was pre-BGs). It had that "fun" feel to it. Now, I don't even have to leave Dalaran if I don't want to (yeah, right) and play the rest of the game thanks to the lameass "Queue ANYWHERE" system.
Heh, "LFM XROADS". Good times.

As far as "casual" gaming being evil, then I will be evil until the end. I won't have my life revolve around a game where I need to make sure my work schedule is done around my raiding times or that I need to be logged 8+ hours every day to be "good". Honestly, your views on "casual gaming" makes you seem elitist yourself. Truth hurts, I know.
Hardcore gamer =/= Elitist?
No. I just don't want idiots ruining my game just because they only want to play 2-3 hours a week and not have to put in any effort into the game. This game was meant to be an RPG, not some kind of interactive chat game.

Lastly, Gearscore is what the game is based on nowadays, so far as to that Blizzard has implemented it in such you cannot even enter instances unless you meet a "gear requirement". Complete bull**** if you ask me. But that's another rant to be had. Back to the point, gearscore is an addon that is highly misused and has become the global replacement for "skill". To many elitists, your gearscore is the only thing that matters. Your skill as a good player means dick these days. Your suggestion of it being an e-peen tool is spot on, to the point that even Blizzard pokes fun at it.
At least it keeps people who don't know what their doing out of the queue. If they haven't got the gear for an instance, why bother doing it? They're going to bring the group down. This is still a multiplayer game and you need to work together to make it fun.

Despite my thoughts on the games current state, I'm not saying the game itself isn't fun so long as you take the steps to avoid the kids/1337ists/idiots/morons/social rejects/failures/nobodies. The community sucks worse than Hodge (inside joke), despite what anyone will tell you. Just turn off trade and LFG channels and have fun!
Every online community has idiots. It's the anonymity that does it. It hasn't changed just because WoW has.
Who are you to say who is a social reject, a failure, or a nobody? Sounds pretty elitist to me.
Originally Posted by Jzar View Post
Remember those elitist jerks you were referring to? You may want to go take a quick look in the mirror...

Last edited by Spectro : 08-15-10 at 03:56 PM.