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05-09-09, 12:43 PM   #1209
MidgetMage55's Avatar
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As stated numerous times throughout this thread and others that Admins of WowI were not happy with the situation but were forced to deal with it. The 2 major sites WM pulled from (curse and this one) were under stress for years as you are aware. Curse decided to block them and told the folks here they were doing it. They had 2 choices:

1) Not block it as well and be forced off-line there for taking one of the major sources WM pulled from anyway ( i STILL dont get why people dont realize this) therefore adding to the 'problem' WM users are now experiencing.


2) Block the application and be up and running for folks to get their mods that may only be hosted here. In the process still making WM users angry because they still cant get their mods from the site in this case because it was blocked.

Now you personally may be a rational human being and see a site down message and just shrug and move on till its up. Assuming this, unfortunately many MANY players are not and would continually spam the update all button in an attempt to try and 'sneak in' for an update for the brief moments the servers would be up.

Waiting until afterward would have made little to no difference on the user end of things. You still wouldnt be able to get your addons from here till the traffic died down. The only difference in the 2 cases is in Case 1 you could just spam the button till it eventually worked. Which could have taken several hours (optimistically) or several days on the rough side of the things.

And being that if the site is down authors cant push the updates as needed its even more imperative that action be taken or be forced offline. It happened last major patch due to the traffic WM imposed. This time around while the site was a little slow it was still accessible and thats a MAJOR improvement over last time. The difference? WM was unable to overload the servers.

Would WOWi liked to have had their updater up and running? As stated numerous times, Yes they would have liked that option. Being that this site takes much more work to maintain (author tools and site improvements etc.) compared to WM and Shirik (the programmer behind minion) is doing this between a rather hefty real life schedule it just wasnt possible at the time.

These facts have been laid out many times before. Of course Wm refutes this and claims it was a malicious attack and a money grab (not exact words but thats the tone). You can do one of 2 things. Either accept this is the case or believe WM.

Personally I've dealt with the MMOUI staff for years on various sites. They have been here for the community for a very long time. they have the track record to prove it. WM is a relative newcomer in this 'game' and they came out of the gate showing they only cared about the ad money they made off the application. Only recently did they start to change their tune and appear to come across as fully community minded. Call me bizarre but i have a tendency to believe the people who have the track record to back up their claims. I honestly cant recall in the history of working with Cairenn, Dolby and others on the various sites they have been apart of anything of this nature.

I believe that deserves some serious consideration as to their motives and plans.

I think Hong Kong Phooey was a ninja AND a pirate. That was just too much awesome. - Yhor

Last edited by MidgetMage55 : 05-09-09 at 12:47 PM.
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