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12-17-13, 04:49 PM   #40
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 3
I just don't understand how anyone can say the things that were said to Scott and still look themselves in the mirror. This includes the actions taken by this site. Most of these whiners have never coded an addon let alone continue to provide updates and bug fixes. Don't you morons understand how much time these people spend so you can play more efficiently. This time means the have less time to play WoW! While you are playing they are coding!

At no time did I see anyone say nUI would only be available on a paying basis. Sure they are asking for donations but then so do 90% of the authors on this site. This can be seen by the obnoxious POPUP that comes up all the time.

I agree with another poster that described the status of WoW. Not only has the latest pack been a flop but the changes allow a lot of obnoxious, self righteous kids to take over the game. These children are part of the generation that expects not asks but expects everything to be given to them! 11 million players down to 7 million players. That is a huge drop and the slide continues.

Anyhow it is too bad with stance that this site has taken. Well, Curse is a much better site anyhow.
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