Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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12-06-14, 12:13 PM   #629
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Join Date: Aug 2012
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Originally Posted by Garettjax View Post
The issues I mentioned a few pages back with the map... are FIXED!!

Rythal, You are the Man with the Master Plan!!

EDIT: I was wondering.. and maybe it has been mentioned before.. When questing, the map shows the "spot" with various colored circled x's.. Carbonite has always done this. Where is the colored area around the colored spot to mark the area that certain item can be found in? IE.. say you have to kill acolytes.. well it used to show a colored circled x and around that was a same colored area of where those acolytes would be found.. Where is the colored area? Did WoW change things so this can no longer show up?
those coloured circles were created and drawn based on information stored in carbonites quest databases. Unfortunately the quest databases have not been updated since MoP, while I don't know for sure I suspect the original authors had a working site scrapper to build the quest info off wowhead, and since I don't it needs to be done by hand which is a lot of work and further down the road once everything else is finished.