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05-16-09, 01:34 PM   #6
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Originally Posted by mrruben5 View Post
Would it be a good idea to add meta data to the toc of addons indicating wich site has always has the latest version of an addon?
That doesn't exactly solve the issue, if I may say so. For example : What happens if an addon updated on WoWI gets abandoned by his author and after some time, someone else decides to pick it up (ensuring proper permissions etc) but decides to actually update it on let's say Curse. As a result you would have 2 addons with the same name/toc and different metadata pointing at 2 different sites for the "latest version". Which are you going to trust ? Granted that the outdated addon should be removed from a website's database, but still the point is that conflicts can exist, even in rare cases.

The correct solution, in my humble opinion, is that authors employ a standard/universal version number for their addon(s) across all websites that those addons are hosted and not rely on let's say the SVN revisions of each of said websites.
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