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03-13-13, 07:00 AM   #1
An Onyxian Warder
JimJoBlue's Avatar
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Join Date: Aug 2012
Posts: 362
Beta 5.2.1 alpha 6 [En-US] Error reports..

26x Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMap.lua:8724: bad argument #2 to "strsplit" (string expected, got nil)
<in C code>
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMap.lua:8724: in function "GetInstanceID"
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMap.lua:8744: in function <Carbonite\NxMap.lua:8733>
(tail call): ?
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxMapGuide.lua:1183: in function "UpdateMapIcons"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:3291: in function "RecordQuestsLog"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:2867: in function "RecordQuests"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:6150: in function "LogUpdate"
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:6118: in function "?"
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxUI.lua:2743: in function <Carbonite\NxUI.lua:2725>

self = <table> {
 MiniBlks = 6
 IconScale = 5
 MenuIShowWorld = <table> {}
 GIconMenuITogInst = <table> {}
 PlyrRZY = 89.508080482483
 MMScalesC = <table> {}
 LOpts = <table> {}
 Guide = <table> {}
 PlyrLastDir = 87.065012388887
 WorldHotspots = <table> {}
 Menu = <table> {}
 EffScale = 0.79999995231628
 Zone = 3
 WorldAlpha = 0
 StartupShown = 1
 ScaleDraw = 0.45510719861835
 BackgndAlphaFade = 0.4
 MoveLastX = 1100.5848789844
 PlyrDir = 87.065012388887
 PlyrSpeedCalcTime = 29128.991
 MapPosYDraw = 1308.1207308754
 ArchAlpha = 0.3
 MapScale = 0.045419880101632
 CurMapBG = false
 PadX = 0
 BGIncNum = 0
 MenuIMonitorZone = <table> {}
 MapW = 260.5398725384
 MMGathererUpdateDelay = 1
 MMAddonFrms = <table> {}
 LClickTime = 0
 MouseEnabled = true
 ButAutoScaleOn = <table> {}
 MapH = 277.75046480775
 MMScales = <table> {}
 MMArrowName = "Minimap\MinimapArrow"
 MapPosX = 1100.5848789844
 BackgndAlphaTarget = 0.4
 MoveDir = 180
 BGGrowBars = true
 ArrowScroll = 0.89
 H = 141
 Tick = 4875
 IconNIFrms = <table> {}
 LastDungeonLevel = 0
 BaseScale = 1
 ToolBar = <table> {}
 MoveLastY = 1308.1207308754
 MenuIShowHerb = <table> {}
 DotPartyScale = 1
 DotPalScale = 1
 QuestAlpha = 0.3
 CurWorldUpdateOverlayNum = 3
 MMZoomChanged = false
 Scale = 0.45510719861835
 TextFrm = <unnamed> {}
 BackgndAlpha = 0.4
 ArrowPulse = 1
 MenuIShowMine = <table> {}
 MapId = 6015
 MMOwn = true
 MMModels = <table> {}
 Size1 = 0.93750005587936
 ShowUnexplored = false
 InstLevelSet = 0
 Arch = <unnamed> {}
 PIconMenu = <table> {}
 DotRaidScale = 1
 GIconMenu = <table> {}
 StepTime = 0
 PlyrSpeedX = 1100.5848789844
 PlyrFrm = <unnamed> {}
 TrackDistYd = 3.1468763008843
 DebugAdjustScale = 0.1
 ScaleDrawW = 2.1972845145844
 IconStaticFrms = <table> {}
 UpdateTrackingDelay = 0
 IconNavScale = 1
 TrackName = "Shado-Pan Garrison, Townlong Steppes"
 WorldHotspotTipStr = "Pandaria, |cffffff00Dread Wastes (89-90)
 TrackPlayer = "Wethand"
 MiniFrms = <table> {}
 Win = <table> {}
 InstanceId = false
 RealScale = 0.45510719861835
 Data = <table> {}
 RMapId = 6015
 TrackDir = false
 CurOverlaysTexFolder = "IsleoftheThunderKing"
 MMMaskName = "Buttons\White8x8"
 BGIconMenu = <table> {}
 CurOverlays = <table> {}
 TrackETA = false
 MMFScale = 0.4
 LocTipFStrs = <table> {}
 TrackPlyrs = <table> {}
 MMScale = 0.5945915304057
 MMZoomType = 0
 TextScFrm = <unnamed> {}
 Targets = <table> {}
 GIconMenuIFindNote = <table> {}
 QuestWin = <unnamed> {}
 WorldHotspotsCity = <table> {}
 MapPosY = 1308.1207308754
 PlyrY = 1308.1207308754
 TargetNextUniqueId = 1
 Tracking = <table> {}
 TextFStrs = <table> {}
 Scrolling = false
 Cont = 6
 Level = 41
 LocTipFrm = NxMapTip {}
 W = 150
 MapsDrawnFade = <table> {}
 IconFrms = <table> {}
 ContFrms = <table> {}
 CurWorldUpdateMapId = 6015
 TileFrms = <table> {}
 ScaleW = 2.1972845145844
 UpdateTargetDelay = 0
 CurOpts = <table> {}
 MenuIPlyrFollow = <table> {}
 TitleH = 0
 PlyrSpeedY = 1308.1207308754
 PlyrSpeed = 0
 MMAlphaDelay = 0
 MMOwnedFrms = <table> {}
 MMChkDelay = 12
 ViewSavedData = <table> {}
 PlyrRZX = 34.629899263382
 KillShow = false
 MapIndex = 1
 NeedWorldUpdate = true
 MapPosXDraw = 1100.5848789844
 TransMenu = <table> {}
 Frm = <unnamed> {}
 MapsDrawnOrder = <table> {}
 DotZoneScale = 1
 PlyrX = 1100.5848789844
 BackgndAlphaFull = 1
id = nil
^ I can't be sure, but I think I was doing the part 2 solo scenario for the Isle of Thunder thingie... (technical term..)

4x Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:4440: attempt to compare number with nil
Carbonite.Quests-1.0\NxQuest.lua:4440: in function "OnMsgQuest"
Carbonite-5.2.1\NxCom.lua:530: in function <Carbonite\NxCom.lua:498>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":4: in function <string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":4
<in C code>
<string>:"safecall Dispatcher[4]":13: in function "?"
Ace3-Release-r1083\CallbackHandler-1.0\CallbackHandler-1.0-6.lua:92: in function "Fire"
Ace3-Release-r1083\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0-7.lua:339: in function <Ace3\AceComm-3.0\AceComm-3.0.lua:321>

109x Carbonite\Carbonite-5.2.1.lua:2488: bad argument #4 to "format" (string expected, got nil)
<in C code>
Carbonite\Carbonite-5.2.1.lua:2488: in function <Carbonite\Carbonite.lua:2442>

self = <unnamed> {
 0 = <userdata>
 texture = <unnamed> {}
 NxCombat = <table> {}
arg1 = 1362870284.083
arg3 = false
Combat = <table> {
 DamDone = 391169
 EnterCombat = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2591
 Win = <table> {}
 HealDone = 0
 BGEnterXP = 93970
 HitBest = 123929
 H = 80
 BGEnterHonor = 1784
 BGEnterTime = 24266.385
 SetLine = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2607
 Frm = <unnamed> {}
 OnUpdate = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2580
 GraphHits = <table> {}
 HitTotal = 101074
 Deaths = 1
 KBs = 1
 Init = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2344
 TimeStart = 24883.636
 HitPeak = 12851
 Open = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2366
 OnEvent = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2442
 AttackerName = "Beast"
 Honor = 122
 W = 400
 OpenGraph = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2434
 HKs = 3
 EventTable = <table> {}
 OnEnter = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2584
 InCombat = true
UEvents = <table> {
 AddHerb = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2702
 UpdateAll = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2757
 Init = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2634
 AddOpen = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2735
 AddHonor = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2689
 GetPlyrPos = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2748
 AddMine = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2719
 SortCmp = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2767
 Sort = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2779
 AddKill = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2675
 UpdateMap = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2890
 List = <table> {}
 AddInfo = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2642
 AddDeath = <func> @..\Carbonite.lua:2656
prtD = <func> @..\NxUI.lua:101
time = 1362870284.083
_hideCaster = false
sId = "0xF140F9AE24000050"
sName = "Spirit Beast"
sFlags = 4369
sf2 = 0
dId = "0xF140EE05C4000052"
dName = nil
dFlags = 4424
df2 = 0
a1 = 16827
a2 = "Claw"
a3 = 1
a4 = 3133
pre = "SPELL"
mid = "DAMAGE"
post = "DAMAGE"
spellId = 16827
spellName = "Claw"
spellSchool = 1
i = 15
amount = 3133
school = -1
resist = 1
block = nil
absorb = nil
crit = nil
v = 3133
hitStr = "Claw"
^ Not sure what that one is.... Or what I was doing at the time..
I still say a church steeple with a lightning rod on top shows a lack of confidence. Doug McLeod