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02-25-10, 02:32 AM   #17
A Cliff Giant
Nightmare_Lord's Avatar
Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 70
yeah that looks nice, but really you does what I need it 2 do,

once you get that scroll bar to hide or like make a command to make it do what /swf background does, and make it only show up when there more quest/lines needed that the size of the frame.

example if you set its height and it only big enough to hold 5 quest with out needing to scroll and adding a 6th makes it scroll, that when the scroll bar comes out of hiding, scroll is cool just the bottom part of it (end of scroll bar) real problem is the end of the scroll bar that just sticks out on the screen where ever you put it and since I like it on the left more have it to like /swf height 700 makes the end of the scroll bar cover a buff (using nui aura buff plugin) when I get lot, like it can if I have 10 buffs per row like buff 6 gets covered, and making the frame bigger /swf height 750 put the end of the scroll bar over a nui left action button.

don't know if you know Visual Basic but if you do and know ListBox, you know how when you add more item than the size of the list box a scroll bar is auto add? maybe you can do that kinda thing for the watchframe scrollbar,

if Quest > than Height of Watch Frame then
Scrollbar.Visible = True
Scrollbar. Visible = False
End If

*that something I would do like using a <, > , = operator to makes something visible or non visible. Of course not a code I know for sure can be done like that for wow* just hope that might help clearly any confusing you have on what I am trying to say lol.

Originally Posted by Xrystal View Post
Ah, thanks for those images.

First off I'm glad that the MEDIUM/LOW options seem to do what you want. I will stick with the default Blizz setting for LOW though just in case.

Secondly, thanks for showing me the effect with background off. I thought I had sorted out the scroll bar effect there but mayhap amongst my other changes prior to uploading it somehow got removed. I will look into a way for that scroll bar to hide but the scrolling still to work but not sure how that will work. Worse case scenario is that the border frame will still exist but will be fully transparent instead of partially.

Thirdly, feel free to offer any other suggestions as most of the functionality in there is based on suggestions and how I personally would like it to work. However, I do not actively play WoW anymore but am able to keep my addons up to date, so the little day to day things may get overlooked ( such as your bag issue ). I generally make sure the addon does what it is supposed to do and sometimes I forget what else may get affected in the long run. So, thanks again for pointing this problem out for me.
Originally Posted by Xrystal View Post
Thank You.

I assume you are trying to get Seerah's addon to work with nUI's control of the watch frame ? After she creates her copy of the watch frame something like the following needs to be used to reparent the watchframe after making nUI relinquish control of it. The first two lines may be all you need to add with the rest somewhere in their code already in some form or another so it may take some finding.

             nUI_Movers:lockFrame( WatchFrame, false, nil ); 
	nUI_Options.movedWatchFrame = true;

	local f = WatchFrame;

	f:SetClampedToScreen( false );
	f:SetWidth( parent:GetWidth() - 27.5 );
	f:SetPoint( "TOPLEFT", 27.5, 0 );
	f:SetPoint( "BOTTOMRIGHT", 0, 0 );
	-- We don't want it to be altered once we have done our thing to it
	f.ClearAllPoints = function() end;
	f.SetPoint = function() end;
	f.SetAllPoints = function() end;