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12-28-06, 10:03 AM   #60
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Dec 2006
Posts: 17
Originally Posted by Lichbane
I found it hard to get my head around Grid in the end. For simplistic layout I've gone with agUF's raid frames until PR2.0 comes out.

Waiting patiently. It's going to be goooood!
Indeed. My largest issue with Grid was that while it is able to display quite a lot of information, it's not as easy to use when you want to actually see what is going know...that whole visual aspect of this game

ag_UF with raid frames set up like PerfectRaid work for now.

Sure, Perfect Raid will take up more retail space on the screen, but I find that to be far better than how the data is displayed with Grid. Inverse health bars on the entire raid makes it rather easy to see out of the corner of your eye who is taking damage has a HoT on them, debuffed, etc. Decursing with Grid is pretty easy, but it's just as easy with PerfectRaid and ag_UF.

Grid is pretty good though, but like all those posting here, it's not exactly what I want. I prefer the ability to use my peripheral vision when needed so I can enjoy the visual aspect of the game, be more aware of my surroundings to I don't get snapped up by some stray mob.