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01-04-09, 10:31 PM   #2239
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Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Marthisdil View Post
1) If you don't like it, don't use it. Or write your own. Or write a plugin to change the behaviour. Or change the code yourself to your liking.

2) If you read the docs, there's currently no 15/25/40 person raid layouts in the UI. you'd need to use Grid, etc, to get those. They're coming eventually, but not in currently.

3) Accessing the GUI, assuming you have Kodewulf's beta plugin installed, is as easy as hitting ESCAPE, Interface, Click the AddOns tab, and expand out the NUI section. If you don't have the plugin installed, you get no GUI - you do everything via slash commands, as the documentation states on the download page.
I didn't mean to insult anyone just asking about options. I am sorry if you were offended which precipitated such a strong reaction for #1, in my experience an addon or mod is improved by users asking questions and making suggestions. I understand VB and am trying to get into making mods but it is not something I am getting a firm grip on quickly like I am used to.

I did read the docs, I realize not many do. Even after reading the documentation I am confused about the placement of some things and the layout. I am still fuzzy about many of the bars on the HUD and would welcome a screen capture with numbers on the bars and a corresponding document that would explain each bar. As it is I feel I know what some are but don't feel I am getting the full benefit from the tool as I don't know what some of it means.

As for the GUI. I have downloaded it, and unzipped it into the Addons folder as I stated in my post. I do not see it in my Interface section of the WOW GUI. Before using NUI I renamed my Addons and WTF folders so there is no lingering addon corrupting the works.

I realize many people come here to post without ever trying to figure something out. I am not one of those people.