Thread: AeroWow
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10-16-09, 10:48 AM   #24
A Black Drake
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Join Date: May 2008
Posts: 87
Originally Posted by Republic View Post
I consider theorycrafting and most of what I read in combat analysis across a few "elitist jerk" type sites to be the stuff that falls out the back end of a horse. -snip-
I agree on a LOT of your points.

"Gear scores" are essentially meaningless - take note of that huge disclaimer I put up there stating the precise reason I used it in this exact instance? I don't have a single "gear score" addon installed, because they're 99% useless in determining how a player will perform in a raid environment. So, I don't really know where the topic of "gear scores" came into play.

A LOT of this game is based on player skill. Let me say this again - No amount of gear, enchants, gems, buffs, or guild tag will make anybody a better player. It won't make them run out of the fire faster, or push their buttons better, or anything.

But to say that numbers are totally irrelevant is, well, ignorant. Theoretical DPS used as a metric (not as an absolute, a ranking, etc.) is a great asset in terms of enabling comparisons.

Additionally, while you're correct in saying that every situation is different every time you come to it, there are many similarities. In Icehowl, you will have to get out of his Charge at some point. On Twins, you will have to run around half the arena to toggle your color.

Additionally, no, runspeed is not required to perform well. But it sure as heck helps in countless situations. And this isn't talking from a numbers perspective, but from experience. And that was my final challenge to those who weren't quite sure of runspeed - try it out, and see how it feels.

The Warrior Formerly Known As Aerowyn.

Last edited by BWarner : 10-16-09 at 10:52 AM.
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