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10-31-16, 11:34 PM   #11
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Sep 2016
Posts: 3
Hey...noone is knockin' the guy and I am very grateful for what he has shared with us. Most people when they become popular as he is with this ui will give his followers some "closure". If he is not going to support it anymore then all he has to do is say so so the rest of us can move on. I would love to stay with his work but if he is unable to continue then that is his prerogative. We do not need an explanation but we do need to know if we are going to move on. Stop automatically assuming we are "knocking" him and feel the need to "defend" him. We are not putting him down ...we love his work. What I don't need to do but am doing is giving you an explanation of what i meant. In no way was our posts rude or uncalled for. We have been users and supporters of his since he began this project and he does have every right to just quit but I would like to know if i have to find a new ui or if i have to reinvent another one. Yeesh.
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