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10-14-10, 03:14 AM   #27
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Dec 2008
Posts: 2
if i am remembering right back in 2008/2009 there was an error with the free version of carbonite that was displaying a message in game that basically outlined that users had to pay to continue using the addon. the carbonite devs were aware of this problem and trying to sort it out. I'm guessing that at the same time blizz received a lot of different complaints about this, and shortly after the ToC were changed to stop devs charging users to use addons (I'm not blaming carbonite for this, just outlining the problem).

I personally think the support etc for carbonite was great until then but how are u supposed to keep a "business" running without making money. Users come and moan, but would u want to spend hours of your day(s) trawling through 1000's of lines of code without some kind of payment (we all have bills to pay. Rent/Mortgage, taxes, food.. etc).

I would expect an update to be out once they devs have time to complete all the changes! until then u will just have to keep stressing out about it.

Last edited by zanidis : 10-14-10 at 04:09 AM.