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09-09-09, 06:58 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Posts: 3
LF Addon: Rebirth Tracker

I'm looking for an addon that will populate a list of available rebirths and possibly announce to raid/custom chat channel when they're used?

For example, our interrupters use CKick for interrupts on Vezax/IC. It makes a list of interrupters, then puts red arrows at the next person to interrupt. It doesn't announce, but it clears up vent and makes it easier for people to see when it's their turn.

Basically, I'm looking for an addon that will do something like that, although the timer bar isn't necessary. Essentially:

White names are druids with their Rebirth up.
Red names are druids that are dead. Will show a timer if Rebirth is on cooldown (if no cooldown bar, doesn't show the name would be preferred).
Black names (or names not listed) are druids without Rebirth available. Will show cooldown bar.. or if no cooldown in the mod, doesn't list the name.

If anyone knows of an addon that does something similar (displays what druids have their Rebirth available - NOT display who has used theirs), that would be amazing.
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