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03-26-20, 10:05 PM   #1
A Cobalt Mageweaver
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Join Date: Oct 2010
Posts: 237
Using a C_Timer.After and how to add a time delay

Hi all

I am the author of a small addon Aardvark, I am self taught with no background in coding at all.

I have a couple of issues that I have not been able to solve that I would like some guidance for.

Q1. I have a sell function that scans my bags and auto sells grey items and items that a player adds to their sell list when they visit a vendor, (line 1910).

When the vendor opens the sell function runs however it does not always sell all the grey and listed items, I get the "that object is busy" message and I have to spam the sell button to clean out all of the remaining items.

I have tried adding a C_Timer.After in the sell function wrapped around the actual sell chunk, (line 1942) using:

C_Timer.After(1, function(self)
    -- code chunk
however I then get the following error,

2x Aardvark\Aardvark-AR attempt to perform arithmetic on local 'itemValue' (a nil value)
[string "@Aardvark\Aardvark-AR"]:1951: in function <Aardvark\Aardvark.lua:1910>
[string "@Aardvark\Aardvark-AR"]:2469: in function <Aardvark\Aardvark.lua:2456>
I have not been able to kill this error no matter where I wrap a chunk within the sell function.

How do I add a timer delay in the sell function to ensure all the items sell properly?
Is there a better way to ensure all the items sell other than using a timer?

Q2. I have used a timer in my add item by itemID function, (line 5987), without issue.

I have tried to use a time less than 1 sec but it does not seem to reduce the time below 1 sec.

Is there a way of reducing the timer to less than 1 sec or is there a alternative way of adding a delay that will allow a sub 1 sec timer?

Looking forward to some help and understanding of what I am doing wrong.

Last edited by Walkerbo : 03-26-20 at 10:28 PM.
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