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10-24-14, 03:01 PM   #3
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Update RDX 10.0.1_alpha

•It removed all my keybinds on "action bars" on first launch, and binded them to "RDX" keybinds (it did not do it on other characters though)
Go to Settings | RDX Settings, and check the box Enable Blizzard Action bars to prevent the remapping of key bindings

• I could not find a way to tell RDX to not disable most of blizzard's ui. I prefer using RDX on top of it (even if I know it's not the intended usecase ). I could achieve this (as with previous release) by modifying the BlizzFullDisable.lua file to comment the content of the DisableAll function that was not in a "if not opt.xx then" block, so not much of an issue.
Go to Settings | RDX Settings, you can enable/disable all Blizzard elements now

• I am spammed when I enter an area he doesn't know, especially true on beta. (example of message :
[VFL] Continent 2
[VFL] ProcessMyUnit no mapId found Ruines de Vashj'ir

• only "Package Explorer" and "Window Wizzard" works on the 2nd section of the small menu (First part and ReloadUI works fine). Most of what doesn't work are feature from the latest release I think, so I guess you disabled them for the alpha ? (it included nothing I used from rdx9 at least)
All the links should work when 100% of Carbonite will be integrated into RDX

• Explorer keep showing "Invalid filename" when you click on a Disk or a folder to navigate the hierarchy

• Blizzard Icons don't show properly in Texture Picker, and they give wrong filename (such as "Interface\Icons\136198", instead of for example "Interface\Icons\Spell_Shaman_LavaBurst")

• "Auto-create primary hotspot" seems to fail

• non secure hotspot don't seem to work (secure ones does work, but iirc that was already the case on rdx9 ?)
Not Fixed

• still no way to make action bar with more/less than 12 buttons (but that was also the case with rdx9)
Unfortunately no and there is no plan to provide this.

• Cooldown Icons are a great addition, but some cooldowns are wrong (at least shocks and unleash elements for shamans), the "endurance priest buff" sometime takes the place of an icon for no reason (+always present with shocks), and they do not reset if the spell get reseted by some proc (eg : lava burst). I'll keep my hack of "draw a texture with the correct icon", make a custom script to find the remaining time on the spell by calling "GetSpellCooldown" and showing the icon only if more than 2 sec remain
Not Fixed, a lot of works need to be done

• Cooldown Bars (used in Cooline) seems really promising at replacing ForteXorsist given that didn't seem to be updated for 6.0.2, It has the same problem as above, plus I couldn't find a way to make it larger (my ForteXorsist bar is nearly 3 time bigger than the default for the Cooldown bars, and I like it very much this way ).
I could provide a new cooline 3 times bigger in the next release

• in a window, I couldn't change a design using the menu (the "Ok/Cancel" button don't show)

• saving a design while in combat leaves RDX in a wierd state (+got a "script ran too long" error)
Not Recommended to edit the design in combat
RDX manager
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