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12-20-13, 10:27 AM   #58
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 9
Originally Posted by Cairenn View Post
Whoa, whoa, whoa. No where did we ask him to apologize to the ones who were rude to him. We asked him to apologize to our community, because he was yelling at everyone. We most assuredly do not consider the trolls and jerks as part of our community. We have rules against trolls and jerks. Specifically the very first two points:

I am sorry, but this effectively contradicts your statement posted at:

You are actually asking him to apologize in line 26.

I will pursue this no further, and I do not expect a response to this.

I am honestly surprised to see this happen. To me it looks like a case of misinterpretation. Granted I do not have the various communication sent back and forth at hand, nor would I care to. But from a bystanders point of view it looks like communications and intentions gone wrong.

Scott has always provided his work for free. I have donate to him yes. Not because he told me to, but because I respect the time and effort he has put into his work.

Try to put yourself in his shoes. How would you react if you had to consistently deal with people insulting you. I am sure you deal with a lot of this here on these very forums. You could even argue that Scott should simply just delete those rude emails. He didn't and while his comments could have been temperred with caution or reason or whatnot, then I believe it incorrect to subdue someone for drawing up their limits.

Best regards,
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