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02-19-14, 05:32 AM   #1
A Frostmaul Preserver
Caellian's Avatar
Join Date: May 2006
Posts: 281
Misc issues with an addon

Hi, so i've had this little addon issuing a sound for each combo point and then another sound to warn me when i reached 5 (some people use bars on their screen for that, i prefer sounds) but then i decided i wanted to level a paladin and thought, why not make this work for each classes that this kind of "points".

So i came up with this:

local _, caelUI = ...

caelUI.powersound = caelUI.createModule("PowerSound")

local num, numMax, power, spec

local powers = {
	["MONK"]		=	"CHI",
	["WARLOCK"] = {
		[1]		=	"SOUL_SHARDS",
		[2]		=	"DEMONIC_FURY",
		[3]		=	"BURNING_EMBERS",

caelUI.powersound:SetScript("OnEvent", function(self, event, unit, powerType)
	if unit ~= "player" then return end

	if event == "UNIT_COMBO_POINTS" then
		num = GetComboPoints("player", "target")

		if num ~= 0 and num ~= numMax then
			PlaySoundFile(caelMedia.files.soundCombo, "Master")
		elseif num == numMax then
			PlaySoundFile(caelMedia.files.soundComboMax, "Master")

	if event == "UNIT_POWER" then
		spec = GetSpecialization()

		if powerType ~= powers[caelUI.playerClass] and powerType ~= powers[caelUI.playerClass][spec] then return end

		if caelUI.playerClass == "MONK" then
			num = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_CHI)
			numMax = UnitPowerMax("player", SPELL_POWER_CHI)
		elseif caelUI.playerClass == "PALADIN" then
			num = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_HOLY_POWER)
			numMax = UnitPowerMax("player", SPELL_POWER_HOLY_POWER)
		elseif caelUI.playerClass == "PRIEST" then
			num = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_SHADOW_ORBS)
			numMax = PRIEST_BAR_NUM_ORBS -- UnitPowerMax("player", SPELL_POWER_SHADOW_ORBS)
		elseif caelUI.playerClass == "WARLOCK" then
			if spec then
				if spec == SPEC_WARLOCK_AFFLICTION then
					num = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_SOUL_SHARDS)
					numMax = UnitPowerMax("player", SPELL_POWER_SOUL_SHARDS)
				elseif spec == SPEC_WARLOCK_DEMONOLOGY then
					num = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_DEMONIC_FURY)
					numMax = UnitPowerMax("player", SPELL_POWER_DEMONIC_FURY)
				elseif spec == SPEC_WARLOCK_DESTRUCTION then
					num = UnitPower("player", SPELL_POWER_BURNING_EMBERS)
					numMax = UnitPowerMax("player", SPELL_POWER_BURNING_EMBERS)

		if num ~= 0 and num ~= numMax then
			PlaySoundFile(caelMedia.files.soundCombo, "Master")
		elseif num == numMax then
			PlaySoundFile(caelMedia.files.soundComboMax, "Master")

for _, event in next, {
} do
Obviously, for combo points it works perfectly, but for other classes not so much.

The issues (that i need help with) are the following:

Paladin: Over time, the Holy power decreases and the problem is that each time i loose one point, it beeps, it shouldn't.
Warlock: This one is the worst, different power source for each spec, the power does decrease over time, burning embers seems to beep for every spell i cast, not just when i gain one ember, in fewer words, warlocks are a mess.

Anyone would have any idea how i could improve this little addon ?
if (sizeof(workload) > sizeof(brain_capacity)) { die('System Overload'); }
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