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03-08-13, 12:39 AM   #13
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Join Date: Oct 2008
Posts: 1,240
That's not my quote, Aason! LOL anyway...

Yes, once again, Phanx is correct about the first line in my example code. I left out the table part because it didn't seem required to illustrate. Here is an example of that first line as I use it in FeedTillers:
Lua Code:
  1. -- both of these are variables, and can be named anything
  2. -- I could have written local JoeBob, Clyde = ...
  3. -- but the names I chose are more meaningful
  4. -- ADDON is a string derived from FeedTillers.toc
  5. -- L is a table that I use for localization
  6. local ADDON, L = ...
  8. local LOCALE = GetLocale()
  9. if LOCALE == "esES" then
  10. L["CLICK_SORT"] = "Clic para alternar entre ordenar por nombre de PNJ o nombre de comida."
  11. L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = "Mayús-clic para ocultar a los Labradores que ya ha alimentado hoy."
  12. L["ToC/Description"] = "Mostrar cuál comida le gusta cada miembro de los Labradores, y si ha completado su misión diaria \"Un plato para...\""
  14. elseif LOCALE == "esMX" then
  15. L["CLICK_SORT"] = "Clic para alternar entre ordenar por nombre de PNJ o nombre de comida."
  16. L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = "Mayús-clic para ocultar a los Labradores que ya ha alimentado hoy."
  17. L["ToC/Description"] = "Mostrar cuál comida le gusta cada miembro de los Labradores, y si ha completado su misión diaria \"Un plato para...\""
  19. elseif LOCALE == "itIT" then
  20. L["CLICK_SORT"] = "Click sul plugin per elencare i Coltivatori per il nome o per il loro oggetto"
  21. L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = "Tieni premuto il tasto <Shift> per nascondere i Contivatori giŕ sfamati"
  22. L["ToC/Description"] = "Indica quale Coltivatore, che cibo gli piace, e se lo hai giŕ sfamato oggi con la quest \"Un piatto per...\""
  24. elseif LOCALE == "ptBR" then
  25. -- L["CLICK_SORT"] = ""
  26. -- L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = ""
  27. -- L["ToC/Description"] = ""
  29. elseif LOCALE == "frFR" then
  30. -- L["CLICK_SORT"] = ""
  31. -- L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = ""
  32. -- L["ToC/Description"] = ""
  34. elseif LOCALE == "deDE" then
  35. -- L["CLICK_SORT"] = ""
  36. -- L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = ""
  37. -- L["ToC/Description"] = ""
  39. elseif LOCALE == "ruRU" then
  40. -- L["CLICK_SORT"] = ""
  41. -- L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = ""
  42. -- L["ToC/Description"] = ""
  44. elseif LOCALE == "zhCN" then
  45. --@localization(locale="zhCN", format="lua_additive_table)@
  46. elseif LOCALE == "zhTW" then
  47. -- L["CLICK_SORT"] = ""
  48. -- L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = ""
  49. -- L["ToC/Description"] = ""
  51. else
  52. L["CLICK_SORT"] = "Click the plugin to sort by Tiller name or item name"
  53. L["SHIFT_DOWN"] = "Hold the <Shift> key and click to hide already fed Tillers"
  54. end

Please note that line 45 in the above code refers to Curseforge's and WoWAce's Localization app keyword substitutions.
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