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04-19-16, 11:20 AM   #9
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Jun 2010
Posts: 49
Yes none worked, all are for rares...not world bosses, I can add world bosses manually with silverdragon but then again I needed to mouseover for it to make a notification which defeats the point. Doesn't help me as the title states I am "Alt-tabbed" while idling waiting for a boss to respawn, the spawns usually take 1hr to 2hrs so I really don't want to be staring at my screen ingame watching nothing waiting for a boss to spawn.

It's really nice if there's an alt-tab notification with loud sound for those specific 5 world bosses that drop mounts, they aren't rares (Keep that in mind) they are just world boss elites that drop treasures/mounts. and the thing is, they die within 10seconds, so you need to really wake up when they spawn, sometimes i'm in the kitchen having my wow up on the spawn area, i come back and he's dead. i really wish i can write addons to make this happen.
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