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05-16-09, 11:24 AM   #14
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 16
Most addons that I use usually contain new stuff with every update (eg. LightHeaded, Atlas, AtlasLoot, Overachiever etc.), but I still take my time to go to addon page and read the change log, because I'm just that curious and want to know what has actually changed.

In my opinion, the problem some people might have with updating addons weekly and not daily is that they have "pokemon" syndrome - must catch them all. They feel the urge to have the latest version of their favorite addons, even if those new version do not contain anything useful for them ("updated .toc", "added koKR localization" etc.) just because that version exists. I used to update my favorite programs a lot, before I found out that "new version" doesn't always mean "better version". I don't mean that new versions will contain more bugs than old stable version, but the new functionality (or lack of the functionality you used to love) might be not exactly the way you want to interact with software. For example, I did love Auctioneer Suite pre-3.0.2 post interface and I never got used to the Appraiser interface, so I just had to switch to a more simple addon, but I still keep using Informant, which is a part of Suite and a standalone addon.

Still, I do check for updates daily and I download most of them, if changes seem somewhat useful to me. I'm definitely not scared about wiping at Malygos because of the addon, as (a) I'm using stable versions of addons and (b) I don't let the addons do that much stuff for me, so that if addon fails, I will not know what to do.
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