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06-12-10, 05:11 AM   #2
nUI Maintainer
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I'm not sure why the buttons aren't movable that are on the map but I can tell you how to turn off the buttons from jumping in the bag.

In your nUI.lua in your WTF/Account/....../SavedVariables folder there is segment like the following:

	["ButtonBag"] = {
		["GuildOrg_Toggle"] = "does not appear to be a button",
		["MinimapBackdrop"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["MiniMapRecordingButton"] = "does not appear to be a button",
		["LibDBIcon10_Omen"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["LibDBIcon10_Skada"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MinimapPing"] = "does not appear to be a button",
		["AtlasButtonFrame"] = "does not appear to be a button",
		["AtlasButton"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MiniMapVoiceChatFrame"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["LibDBIcon10_BugSack"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MinimapZoomIn"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["MiniMapMailFrame"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["GameTimeFrame"] = "moved forced include button",
		["GuildOrg_ToggleButton"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MinimapZoomOut"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["OutfitterMinimapButton"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MiniMapWorldMapButton"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["DBMMinimapButton"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MiniMapTracking"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["MiniMapLFGFrame"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
		["LibDBIcon10_Grid"] = "autodetected and moved button",
		["MiniMapBattlefieldFrame"] = "skipped forced ignore button",
These identify the buttons that are *moved*. Look at the ones you see are moved and don't want to and note them.

Then in nUI_ButtonBag.lua in the folder \nUI\Plugins\ you have something like the following. Simply add the frames to this block ( add the commas at the end ) and restart wow or I think reloadUI will work too but not sure.

Bear in mind this is a direct code change and will get overwritten with the next update for nUI so keep a copy of at least the block of code somewhere handy.

	Excludes = 
		["MiniMapMailFrame"] = true,
		["MiniMapBattlefieldFrame"] = true,
		["MinimapBackdrop"] = true,
		["MiniMapPing"] = true,
		["MiniMapCompassRing"] = true,
		["MinimapZoomIn"] = true,
		["MinimapZoomOut"] = true,
		["MiniMapTracking"] = true,
		["MiniMapWorldMapButton"] = true,
		["GatherMiniNoteUpdateFrame"] = true,
		["TimeManagerClockButton"] = true,
		["FishingBuddyMinimapMenuButton"] = true,
		["PoisonerMinimapButton"] = true,
		["MiniMapLFGFrame"] = true,
		["GameTimeFrame"] = false,
Scott, if you haven't thought of making this customizable, it might be a good idea for nUI6

Gwynedda - 70 - Demon Warlock
Galaviel - 65 - Resto Druid
Gamaliel - 61 - Disc Priest
Gwynytha - 60 - Survival Hunter
Lienae - 60 - Resto Shaman
Plus several others below level 60

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