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10-05-05, 10:48 AM   #4
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Oct 2005
Posts: 21
Originally Posted by Littlejohn
You're trying to save a property on an object without saving the entire object?
Precisely. Couldn't have put it any better

You can use Lua's meta-table feature to bind the persistant and transient objects together.
Will take this into investigation. The current system, which uses the mirroring techinque (that is, a global table variable which holds specific status fields I wish to save) works fine as well, but breaks the overall design schema.

You might also be trying to build a monolithic add-on. Do you really need extensive nesting? Can you refactor your code into several add-ons with a flatter namespace?
No, this is impossible, because the individual components of the add-on are designed to function as part of the larger scale and they cannot function alone. The components are placed into seperate files though. The "namespace" system is used to avoid extensive namemangling, such as <add-on name><version>_<functionname>, for example.

- Gorak
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