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06-20-07, 04:07 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: May 2007
Posts: 2
Just unit frame bits?

I like the default blizzard Unitframes as they make my computer lag lesser. I LOVE x-perl but it makes my comp very laggy and takes eons to load. So I recently shifted to ct_unitframes, which uses the default unit frames with just simple touches like movability and stuff. That with ct_partybuffs seems to be a good answer for everything. What I'm missing from x-perl:
- The ability to move the debuffs on the targets above the target frame.
- The Buff indicator telling you who in the raid is missing the buff.
- The debuffs on the party members and their pets.

How hard would it to make a vry simple addon just has these bits? No unit frames, just buffs, debuffs for all the frames. which are positionable and arangeable in which way you want them to grow, etc.
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