Thread: MazzleGASM FAQ
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02-09-07, 05:54 AM   #20
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Feb 2007
Posts: 8
Originally Posted by owensd
Also, you've taken it an even further extreme in which the only person you'll allow a fix to the problem from is Mazzle. I've told you how you can go about fixing the issue you don't like but that's not an acceptable solution because you "feel" you shouldn't have to mess with those types of things in order to get the behavior that you want. That's unfair and creates expectations from Mazzle that can never be met.
We're talking about two emotes and a yell here. It's not a huge part of the code - and, as stated before, most of the UI is quite user-friendly. But turning off an intrusive yell? No, that you have to fix yourself.

This is my only complaint with MazzleUI. I have not requested any major coding to be taken out, any addon to be added. I just thought that taking control of the player character, making them yell about "instant mazzlegasm" and moan suggestivly was unacceptable behavior from an addon. I can turn off a lot of the stuff in the UI, why not this?

To me, people who really likes the UI has gone into complete defensive-mode. I am sorry, but I don't like it as much as you guys. I respect Mazzlefizz for what he has done, it is VERY impressive (and I have stated that before). Wonderful work, absolutely extraordinary. Now why is there an intrusive yell and emote every time I mazzify it and why do I have to hack the lua-code to stop doing that?

And me not fixing it? I am still not talking about myself anymore. I am talking about people who are not used to using computers in the same way that you and me are. I am talking about my friends who would install the UI, notice the yelling/emoting, and instantly uninstall the whole thing. I am talking about the people who have no idea that they can even open the lua-files. I am talking about people who don't like addons to take control of their game in ways they don't want.

I download an addon for a certain function. If it does anything besides that function I usually delete it again, unless it is something I realised that I've been missing. Period. Like I would treat any program.

Yelling and moaning suggestivly is not part of that. It's intrusive for a lot of end-users that, like me, don't buy into the spirit of MazzleUI. That was my gripe, that was my criticism, and I wanted a straight answer why it was in there. I didn't want people going on the defensive, I didn't want people to tell me to "relax man, have a chair", I didn't want to be told that I have to hack the lua-files myself to get it out. I want to know why it is in there.

I'll just quote myself, my very first post on this forum:

Originally Posted by Pockie
Shouldn't you add a warning that a yelling and emoting, that will make your character look like an idiot, will take place before the mazzifying is carried out? I found it incredibly annoying, and became quite angry when I realised what the UI had done without me knowing/wanting it to happen.

An addon that takes control of my character without my consent is in my book completely unacceptable (throttle or no throttle). And having to hide in an instance in order to reconfigure seems completely pointless. Also, players on RP-servers will automatically be breaking the RP-policies when using MazzleUI.

Unless you have a really good reason for it to be there (except free advertising), I would not recommend anyone to use this UI because of that. So is there anyway you can justify it being there, except for giggles?
That's all I wanted to know, from the devteam.

I am sorry if I insulted your favorite mod. I am really sorry if you feel like you have to defend it. That was not my intention. I catched onto one small part of the UI that I think is not working, that I believe is unacceptable behavior by a mod. That's it.

This has obviously been blown completely out of proportion.