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12-01-07, 10:33 AM   #7
A Wyrmkin Dreamwalker
Elcarath's Avatar
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 50
Here are the instructions to add a new skin. They are also in the ZIP file and should be included in any skin folders that are downloaded. These instructions assume you have the latest release of MazzleUI and it is in working order. Well then, Here we go

In the downloaded zip file there will be several lua files and a couple folders.
  1. Copy the folder MazzleUI_Skin_"author"_"skin name" into \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns just as it is, no changes needed.
  2. Open up the Preview Image folder and copy the file inside to the \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Mazzifier\images folder
  3. Open the file ADD_to_your_MazzleUI_AddOnDB.lua with wordpad (NOT notepad) and copy the full line that is there.
  4. Open the file MazzleUI_AddOnDB.lua with wordpad, it will be in the \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\MazzleUI folder.

    • Do a search for MazzleUI_Skin, should be a list of at least 8 more depending on how many skins you have installed. Scroll down to the bottom of the skins listed.
    • Paste the line you copied from the previous step at the bottom of this section. It should look like this:

      				["MazzleUI_Skin_Dreadlorde_Discord"] = { core = true, library= true, specialPackages = {mule = true},},
      				["MazzleUI_Skin_Kappatre_Slate"] = { core = true, library= true, specialPackages = {mule = true},},
      ----this is the line you added - ->  ["MazzleUI_Skin_Elcarath_BloodElf"] = { core = true, library= true, specialPackages = {mule = true},},
        				["MCP"] = { core = true, specialPackages = {mule = true},},
    • Save and close
  5. Open the file ADD_to_your_MazzleOptions_Settings2.lua with wordpad (NOT notepad) and copy the 7 lines there
  6. Open the file MazzleOptions_Settings2.lua with wordpad, it will be in the \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\MazzleOptions folder.
    • Do a search for MazzleUI_Skin, the section for each skin is 7 linnes, you will need to scroll down to bottom of the skins listed
    • Paste the lines you copied from the previous step, allow a blank line below the last skin, it should look like this:
      tempItem = {
      			["addonName"] = "MazzleUI_Skin_Noob123_Undead",
      			["requiredAddOn"] = "MazzleUI_Skin_Noob123_Undead",
      			["type"] = "AddOnHeader",
      			["addonDescription"] = "This load-on-demand add-on provides artwork and layout information for Noob123's Undead skin.",
          table.insert(addItem, tempItem)
          tempItem = {
      			["addonName"] = "MazzleUI_Skin_Elcarath_BloodElf",
      			["requiredAddOn"] = "MazzleUI_Skin_Elcarath_BloodElf",
      			["type"] = "AddOnHeader",
      			["addonDescription"] = "This load-on-demand add-on provides artwork and layout information for Elcarath's Blood Elf skin.",
          table.insert(addItem, tempItem)
          tempItem = {
      			["addonName"] = "Metrognome",
      			["requiredAddOn"] = "Metrognome",
      			["type"] = "AddOnHeader",
      			["addonDescription"] = "This add-on is an Ace 2 library that allows add-ons to set up OnUpdate-like processing using any arbitrary timer interval.",
          table.insert(addItem, tempItem)
    • Save and close
  7. Open the file ADD_to_your_Mazzifier_Globals.lua with wordpad (NOT notepad) and copy the 2 lines there
  8. Open the file Mazzifier_Globals.lua with wordpad, it will be in the \World of Warcraft\Interface\AddOns\Mazzifier folder
    • Do a search for Mazifier_skininfo, should be a list of at least 8 more depending on how many skins you have installed. Scroll down to the bottom of the skins listed.
    • Paste the lines you copied from the previous step, Important- change the number that is in the square brakets to the next number, it should look like this:
      		Mazzifier_SkinInfo[7] = {name="Kappatre's Slate Skin", devname= "slate", image="slate", lodName = "MazzleUI_Skin_Kappatre_Slate", 
                     		            description="|CFF00FF00Skin Name|r: Kappatre's Purple Slate Skin\n\n|CFF00FF00Author|r:  Kappatre\n\n|CFF00FF00Description|r: Purple skin with gradient texture.  Modeled to look similar to a Skinner look.\n\n|CFF00FF00Provides|r: Bottom panel artwork and other basic artwork (castbar border, chatbox border, minimap border).  "}
      		Mazzifier_SkinInfo[8] = {name="Dreadlorde's Discord Skin", devname= "discord", image="discord", lodName = "MazzleUI_Skin_Dreadlorde_Discord", 
                            		     description="|CFF00FF00Skin Name|r: Dreadlorde's Discord Skin\n\n|CFF00FF00Author|r:  Dreadlorde\n\n|CFF00FF00Description|r: Skin using textures from the Discord mods and web site.\n\n|CFF00FF00Provides|r: Bottom panel artwork and other basic artwork (castbar border, chatbox border, minimap border).  "}
      		Mazzifier_SkinInfo[9] = {name="Elcarath's Blood Elf Skin", devname= "bloodelf", image="ElcarathBloodElf", lodName = "MazzleUI_Skin_Elcarath_BloodElf", 
          		                       description="|CFF00FF00Skin Name|r: Elcaraths Blood Elf Skin\n\n|CFF00FF00Author|r:  Elcarath\n\n|CFF00FF00Description|r: Based on the Blood Elf website on World of Warcraft. Red and gold theme using images from the website.\n\n|CFF00FF00Provides|r: Bottom panel artwork and other basic artwork (castbar border, chatbox border, minimap border).  "}
    • Save and close
  9. Start up WOW, run the Mazzifier and your new skin should be available in the drop down.

I am waiting for approval on the downloads page, soon as they are available I will post a link to to the skins I have done
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