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06-02-20, 08:55 PM   #4
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Jun 2020
Posts: 3
Wow! I seriously didn't expect to get answers that fast! Thank you!

Regarding printing the name of the event, I just printed the value that is passed in the event parameter. I do indeed get the correct event name, LUA_WARNING.

I also tried to do a:

That prints '0 (null)'.

The fact I do get a number and a string (nil - abscence of a string rather) like I am expecting makes me think Blizzard is hiding the information on purpose, but that does sound weird to me. Everything works perfectly for any other event, so I don't understand what is going on

EDIT: I just noticed in your comment that it does say that neither of the values is nilable... That makes this even weirder.

Here is the frame:OnEvent() part (sorry I didn't think it was important since the correct function does get called:

local function AST_CreateWindowFrame()
 _V.MainWindowFrame = CreateFrame("Frame", _V.C.AddOnName, UIParent)

 local frame = _V.MainWindowFrame
 frame:SetScript("OnEvent", _V.F.MainEventHandler)

 local RegEvt = _V.F.RegisterEvent

 RegEvt(frame, "ADDON_ACTION_BLOCKED", nil)
 RegEvt(frame, "ADDON_ACTION_FORBIDDEN", nil)
 RegEvt(frame, "LUA_WARNING", AST_Event_LUAWarning)
 RegEvt(frame, "SAVED_VARIABLES_TOO_LARGE", nil)
 RegEvt(frame, "ADDONS_UNLOADING", nil)

 RegEvt(frame, "ADDON_LOADED", AST_Event_AddOnLoaded)

 RegEvt(frame, "PLAYER_ENTERING_WORLD", AST_Event_PlayerEnteringWorld)

 RegEvt(frame, "AUCTION_HOUSE_SHOW", nil)
 RegEvt(frame, "AUCTION_HOUSE_CLOSED", nil)
 frame:SetWidth(_V.F.GetConfigItem("MainFrame Width"))
 frame:SetHeight(_V.F.GetConfigItem("MainFrame Height"))
 frame:SetPoint("CENTER", UIParent, "CENTER")

 frame.skeleton = frame:CreateTexture("AuctionScanner_Skeleton", "BORDER")
-- frame.skeleton:SetTexture("Interface/AUCTIONFRAME/AuctionHouseBackgrounds")
-- local top, bottom, left, right = 0.39, 0.79, 0.18, 0.47
-- frame.skeleton:SetTexCoord(left, top, left, bottom, right, top, right, bottom)
 frame.skeleton:SetColorTexture(0, 0, 0, 0.25)

 frame.title = frame:CreateFontString("AuctionScanner_Title", "OVERLAY", "GameFontNormal")
 frame.title:SetPoint("TOP", 0, 0)
 frame.title:SetText("Auction Scanner Tool")
 -- Make sure you can only run this function ONCE --
 _V.F.CreateWindowFrame = _V.F.dummy

Last edited by AreGee : 06-02-20 at 09:05 PM.
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