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11-12-08, 09:31 PM   #19
A Murloc Raider
Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 6
Originally Posted by Mazzlefizz View Post

If I thought I could have gotten anywhere remotely close to 1700 people to subscribe per month, I would have done it when I originally proposed it right before I stopped playing WoW. I'm not saying it's impossible, but it seems highly unlikely. I actually did a poll on it at the time. The results, while encouraging, were nowhere remotely near what you're imagining.
You should re-do the POLL now, now that people are standed without the UI.
Its easy for someone to say they wouldn't pay when they are using it ( and it works ) for free. But now that it doesn't work, it be the perfect time to step in and say, " Ok guys, you want the UI up and running I need XXX people signed up for monthly subscriptions to start working on it " then give it 30 days to reach your required level of subscribers, if we don't reach the amount of people, you don't don't release the code. ( could do the sign-ups like bliz and make first 30 days free - ie. no one pays until Dec. ?? this way you'll see exactly how much you'll get in then decide )

I don't know, but GDI there has got to be a way for someone with your coding expertise to make money from doing it. If I could do what you've done with mazzleUI I would sure as hell find a way to profit from it. Let me know if you need more ideas on how to profit from it, I'll put pen to paper.

ps. Mazzle, what mods do you use now?
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