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02-19-14, 07:36 AM   #3
A Fallenroot Satyr
Join Date: Sep 2012
Posts: 22
As Haleth suggested the same can be done for warlocks with a slight adjustment. The only difference being that Warlock resources (possibly with the exception of Soul Shards) are generated fractionally. It takes 10 Ember Bits to fill a Burning Ember and 1000 Demonic Fury to fill the bar (I've no idea about Soul Shards as I've never played Affliction).

Dividing by 10 on Burning Ember power will tell you how many Burning Embers you have. I don't know how you'd want to handle Demonic Fury as that's not really a combo point system (perhaps every 250?).

Although you asked for improvements I'm not sure you meant efficiency/superfluous code issues. There are a few but they could just be individual to me.. e.g. using RegisterEvent() instead of RegisterUnitEvent(), registering events for classes that don't need them, UnitMaxPower() variants on each UNIT_POWER even though most of them are constant (and those that aren't fire an event for it), etc.

Last edited by Oppugno : 02-19-14 at 08:54 AM. Reason: I meant divide not modulus..
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