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03-26-16, 06:34 PM   #7
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Here is LibUtilities-1.0 ToC file, developer version. Notice how I use the keywords. After the code jump, I'll answer your next question.
Lua Code:
  1. ## Interface: 60200
  2. ## Title: Lib: Utilities-1.0
  3. ## Notes: Utilities for pixel perfection, math rounding, math rounding, decimal to hex, parsing item strings
  4. ## Notes-ruRU: @localization(locale="ruRU", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  5. ## Notes-deDE: @localization(locale="deDE", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  6. ## Notes-koKR: @localization(locale="koKR", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  7. ## Notes-esMX: @localization(locale="esMX", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  8. ## Notes-esES: @localization(locale="esES", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  9. ## Notes-ptBR: @localization(locale="ptBR", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  10. ## Notes-zhCN: @localization(locale="zhCN", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  11. ## Notes-zhTW: @localization(locale="zhTW", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  12. ## Notes-itIT: @localization(locale="itIT", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  13. ## Notes-frFR: @localization(locale="frFR", key="Description", namespace="ToC")@
  15. ## LoadOnDemand: 1
  17. ## Author: Myrroddin, Knights of the Storm (Llane-US)
  18. ## X-License: (c) 2016 Paul "Myrroddin" Vandersypen. All Rights Reserved.
  19. ## Version: @project-version@
  20. ## X-Date: @project-date-iso@
  21. ## X-Revision: @project-revision@
  22. ## X-Category: Library
  24. LibStub\LibStub.lua
  25. lib.xml
That message you see means that you have gone into your project's Repo page and changed the setting. The default is for it to create alpha, beta, and release zip files, but you changed it so it only zips up beta and release. Therefore it is skipping any and all alpha builds, which are the ones you commit with TSVN. The files still exist, because you did the commit, but there is no zip file to download.

You, the developer, can still check out the alphas, even though they won't show up on the project file list. Use TSVN to update, or delete the work folder on your computer and check it out again. There isn't much point to this, as you have the alpha build sitting on your computer. It's the build you are committing.
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