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04-11-11, 01:53 PM   #3
A Cyclonian
Join Date: Apr 2009
Posts: 44
I had to do a study on competitive gaming and tried to get information for very experienced players to no avail. Helping you is cause I got no help and I hope you do well with your Essay or whatever it is for

I. Age: 18

II. Gender: Male

III. Hours played in a week? : 40 hours avg.

IV. For how long do you play WoW? : 2007 off and on.

V. Which factors are important for you in the game? You can choose more options:
1. Progress,
3. Competition,
4. Achievements
7. Socializing, making friends,
8. Helping others,
10. Teamwork, collaboration,
13. Trade,
17. Relaxing,
18. Escaping from real world problems,

VI. Are you in a Guild? : Yes

VII. Do you prefer to play in solo or in a group, when the difficulty of the task does not require more players (questing, etc)? : I prefer to play in a group whenever it suits me.

VIII. How important is the communication for you in WoW ? Rate from 1 to 10: 10

IX. Rate the options of communication given by the game from 1 to 10: 5

X. For what purpose do you use the communication? Make an importance sequence by writing the number of the options in the answer:
1. Talking the strategy, collaboration
3. Giving help,
4. Socializing, making friends,
5. Casual chat,
7. Competition,
11. Trade,

XI. What is your opinion, how important is communication for making progress in the game? Rate from 1 to 10: 11(10 if u can't have 11 )

XII. When you was learning the game did you prefer to ask others for help or did you tried to figure it out by yourself ( using WoWHead and similar websites goes to the second option) ? : I was a total noobcake so I had no knowledge of wowhead, even addons :P so I asked people playing and then with basic knowledge from other players I found out other information myself.

XIII. How important is the communication for you to be successful in the game? Rate from 1 to 10: 8

XIV. Did the in game communication influence your real life (RL) communication? Rate it from 1 to 10 ( 10 if your RL communication got better (( better organization skill, cooperative skill, team working skill etc. )), 5 if it did not change your RL communication, 1 if your RL communication skill got weaker): 1

XV. Your opinion about in game communication (optional): I don't understand people who don't join guilds, play the game solo, like quest to level max level, leave that char and create another. You can only level so many different ways once. So that isn't the point of the game. And the game starts at max level to be honest and you need communication at max level.
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