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09-24-11, 01:25 PM   #13
Join Date: Sep 2011
Posts: 47
Originally Posted by MidgetMage55 View Post
... With the tradeoff that this doesn't cost money and only a little time to test. Unless you are on an extremely limited bandwidth allotment from your ISP it wont hurt to try. In all reality not every addon will have screen caps showing what you might be looking for.

Based on what you describe the community is giving their best (and might I say extremely informed) guesses. It could very well be exactly what you are looking for.

We can only suggest so much. After a while you will need to just try some regardless of screen caps.

For the record I'd bet Taryble is right on the money on this one.
I tryed Autobar and it was what I was looking for it's just that I rather look at a image of how the thing works than read text since as most of u see I can't communicate to well and spelling and gammar are an issue with me so the person or ppl who post them could say one thing and mean another.