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12-15-08, 03:12 AM   #1999
A Fallenroot Satyr
fludder's Avatar
AddOn Author - Click to view addons
Join Date: Sep 2008
Posts: 23
My Addon list

I just thought I'd share the addons I use with nUI as I think Ive gotten it down pretty slim.
Some of these will be removed after I finish the grind to 80 on all my toons. Some arent used on some toons (like grindstone and inscription fu)

!Swatter Bug Catcher
Ace2 AddOn development framework
AckisRecipeList Print out a list of trade skill recipes you are missing.
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow ATSW replacement for tradeskill window with special functions.
AdvancedTradeSkillWindow_Levels Shows Character or Tradeskill level needed to use crafted item.
Atlas An instance map browser
AtlasLoot Allows loot tables of bosses to be browsed within the game.
AtlasLoot_BurningCrusade Burning Crusade loot info for Atlasloot
AtlasLoot_Crafting Profession loot info for Atlasloot
AtlasLoot_OriginalWoW Vanilla loot info for Atlasloot
AtlasLoot_WorldEvents Special world event (holiday etc...) loot info for Atlasloot
AtlasLoot_WrathoftheLichKing Wrath loot info for Atlasloot
Atlas_Battlegrounds BattleGrounds Maps
Atlas_DungeonLocs Dungeon Locations
Atlas_OutdoorRaids Outdoor Raid maps
Atlas_Transportation Taxi info
AuctionMaster Quick ~ sell, scan, prospecting + tooltip info added
AutoDinger Sends stats to Guildchan at level
Bagnon One Big Bag
Bagnon_Forever Remembers all chr bag info
Bagnon_Options GUI config
Bagnon_Tooltips Adds Multi Chr info to tooltip
BankItems Display personal/guild bank contents away from banker
BonusScanner Sums cumulative bonuses for Equipment adds info to Tooltip
DoubleWide Pull the quest log into side-by-side
DrDamage Displays av-dam/healz of abilities with talents, gear and buffs.
EquipCompare Comparison tooltip for Mouse-over item -vs- Equipped same-slot
Factionizer Reputation addon showing missing rep & grind info
FuBar (v3.5) Adds info panels (a-la Titan)
FuBar_AbramsFu Tanking statistics in the FuBar and the tooltip.
FuBar_AtlasFu Add Atlas button to your FuBar
FuBar_AtlasLootFu Fubar Plugin for Atlas Loot
FuBar_BankItemsFu Fubar Plugin for Bankitems
FuBar_DungeonDiFu Set Dungeon Dificulty
FuBar_DurabilityFu Duribility info
FuBar_ExitFu Quick logout/exit button
FuBar_FactionsFu Faction / Rep info
FuBar_FriendsFu Online friends with options (whisper, invite etc...)
FuBar_GarbageFu Drops least valuable item in your bag to make space (when bags are full)
FuBar_GarbageFu_Prices Price information for GarbageFu
FuBar_GroupFu Titan loottype & roll in one fubar plugin
FuBar_GuildFu Display online guildmates with options (whisper, invite etc...)
FuBar_HerbTrackerFu Herb tracking addon
FuBar_HeyFu Tracks whispers and conversations
FuBar_InscriptionFu Inscription
FuBar_LuckyCharms Control lucky charms from fubar (target marking)
FuBar_NavigatorFu Lightweight coordinate mod
FuBar_OutfitterFu Outfitter support
FuBar_PortalFu Access all portal and teleport spells + hearthstone
FuBar_RecountFu Recount support
FuBar_RegenFu Shows MP/HP regen
FuBar_RestFu Tracks restxp status / bonus for all your toons
FuBar_SkillsPlusFu Shows skill/profession in tooltip (with click-thru access)
FuBar_TopScoreFu Tracks top hit/crit/heal etc...
FuBar_VoiceFu Shows who is talking on your chosen voice chat program (eg: Ventrilo or Teamspeak).
FuBar_VolumeFu Controls all aspects of ingame volume
FuBar_uClock Small clock for fubar
Gatherer Shows notes on mini and world maps
GathererDB_Wowhead Database of node locations based off the publically available Wowhead node locations
Gatherer_HUD Optional HUD for Gatherer
GoingPrice Auction house value of any item that you mouse over
GoingPrice_Allakhazam Pricing info from Allakhazam
Grindstone Tooltip information for associating herbs/pigments/inks for scribes.
HealBot Raidframe clickable buff/decurse/(configurable spells)
HitsMode Combat log replacement
LightHeaded Displays quest information and comments from in game
LightHeaded_Data_A Data for Lightheaded
LightHeaded_Data_B Data for Lightheaded
LightHeaded_Data_C Data for Lightheaded
LightHeaded_Data_D Data for Lightheaded
LightHeaded_Data_E Data for Lightheaded
MozzFullWorldMap Show Unexplored Areas on the WorldMap, and now also on AlphaMap (Fan's Update)
MrPlow Move, stack, organize bag space
Omen Provide accurate values of your group's relative threat level on individual enemies
Outfitter Create multiple outfits and equip them with a click of your mouse
Postal Enhanced mailbox support
QBar Creates a dynamic buttonbar for usable quest items
QuestHelper Tells you how to finish your quests in the easiest, fastest manner
RatingBuster Converts combat ratings in tooltips into percentages
Recount Graphical damage meter (can send data to any channel dps/heals/overhealing etc...)
RepeatableQuestHelper Makes it easier to accept and complete repeatable Quests like Dailies and others.
Talented Replacement to the default Talent UI, with a lot of added features
Talented_Data Data for Talented
Talented_DrDamage Feeds Talented talent builds to DrDamage
Talented_Loader Loader for Talented
TankPoints Compare different pieces of tanking gear (adds tooltip info)
TomTom Personal navigation assistant (Follow the little arrow)
nUI User interface replacement. removes a ton of clutter from the display
nUI_InfoPanel_HitsMode Adds HitsMode info to nUI
nUI_ThinBlack Very minimilistic skin for nUI