Thread: WOD/Pre-patch
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12-08-14, 10:32 AM   #683
A Molten Giant
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Originally Posted by atl77 View Post
Alas, no. Wowdb doesn't expose the real mapid. Maybe this list can help you with mapping the ids:
I will write helper function like zoneid (from wowhead) + cont id to realmapid. I seems theres no other choice...

In file Zones.lua i found zone names with ids and continents ids.

Is this actual list of continents used in Carb (from NxMapData.lua file)?

Map.MapInfo = {
	[0] = {	-- Dummy
		Name = "Instance",
		X = 0,
		Y = 0,
	[1] = {
		Name = "Kalimdor",
		FileName = "Kalimdor",
		X = -1800,
		Y = 200,
	[2] = {
		Name = "Eastern Kingdoms",
		FileName = "Azeroth",
		X = 5884,
		Y = -200,
	[3] = {
		Name = "Outland",
		FileName = "Expansion01",
		X = 7000,
		Y = -4000,
	[4] = {
		Name = "Northrend",
		FileName = "Northrend",
		X = 2500,
		Y = -3000,
	[5] = {
		Name = "The Maelstrom",
		FileName = "TheMaelstromContinent",
		X = 1700,
		Y = -1500,
	[6] = {
	    Name = "Pandaria",
		FileName = "Pandaria",
		X = 2500,
		Y = 2500,
	[7] = {
		Name = "Draenor",
		FileName = "Draenor",
		X = -1500,
		Y = -3300,
	[90] = {
		Name = "BG",
		X = 2000,
		Y = 200,
	[100] = {
		Name = "Instance",
		X = 2000,
		Y = 100,

Last edited by ircdirk : 12-08-14 at 10:45 AM.