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08-10-11, 11:09 PM   #3
A Defias Bandit
tsalem1's Avatar
Join Date: Mar 2011
Posts: 3

KgPanels is a great addon, especially if you're into aesthetics and getting your UI just the way you want it. I used to use it and got a little carried away... I now use SunnArt, it is basically preconfigured bottom/top, right/left panels you can drop into your UI so its very easy to set up. It also includes a viewport (basically creates a deadzone so your ui doesn't hog up a large percentage of your screen real estate) which makes sense for me since I don't care much for minimalist set ups and like lots of info displayed. I also have a big monitor, so the viewport works out. If you don't have much on your screen, I'd go with KgPanels and just put objects where you want them (ie. a black panel behind your action bars, etc.) and not worry about the viewport. Sounds like you simply want to add some art to your UI, in that case I agree with ^ her, KgPanels. KgPanels is a whole game in itself, enjoy.

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