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09-27-13, 11:45 AM   #4
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
JWMcQuire's Avatar
Join Date: Jun 2013
Posts: 107
To make sure you actually have Carbonite set up to show the mining nodes, I'm going to go through some steps mostly to help you troubleshoot your problem. Try all or any of the following suggestions until you are able to see the nodes.

Go to the maps section of Carbonite's options and on the first tab. Make sure you have a check in the box next to "Move Worldmap Data into the Maximized Map". It is the 6th choice down from the top.

Right click on Carbonite's map, choose "Show", and make sure you have it set to "Show mining locations".

Click on the Blizzard minimap button and make sure you checked "Find minerals" just in case you haven't done that. I don't think this should affect whether or not you will be able to see the nodes where Carbonite says they normally spawn, but it will at least show you if they are actually there when you get to a known spawn location.

If you have Carbonite and Blizzard's minimaps combined, make sure you don't have Blizzard's minimap at full size and adjusted to fill Carbonite's whole minimap. If that is the case, the nodes may just be hidden by Blizzard's minimap. To check this, maximize Carbonite's world map and see if the nodes show up there.

Keep in mind you may have to go to a location where you have found nodes before and open Blizzard's maximized map to see if nodes show up. You may also have to zoom in and out to see if the scale of the icons are adjusted correctly. If the icons are too small, they won't show up until you zoom in far enough to see them. In that case, just increase the size of the icons. Maybe the gather icons scale might work though I haven't seen where it changes the size of them as I mentioned in my first reply.

I hope this helps. I know it works for me, and I can see the nodes with my settings, so hopefully this will do the trick.