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11-22-07, 01:10 AM   #1
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Nov 2007
Posts: 2
Main Casting Bar

Hello, I can't seem to move my main Casting Bar, I've looked at almost every setting, but I can't seem to get it to move.

I'm using 'Acaciaizm MiniMe' compilation and I've tweaked it abit and now my Cast Bar is abit off alignment and I just want to move so that it is not behind my buttons and infront where I can easily notice.

Can anyone help me with this and tell me which setting I need to go to move it.

here's my screenshot to exactly show what I want to move:

Here's a list of the possible addons that could affect it:
* Aloft - Re-skinned nameplates
* Bartender3 - Bar addon (removal breaks eePanels)
* BEQL - Extended quest log
* BigWigs - Raid boss mod
* Capping - PVP timer bars
* Cartographer - Map mod
* ClassTimer - Timers for duration of buffs and spells cast on you
* Click2Cast - Quick keybinds for spell casting (very nice for raid healing)
* CML - Clock, ms, framerate
* CooldownCount - Shows cooldown remaining on your spells
* cyCircled - Re skinning of the bars (glossy buttons)
* cyCircled_Vol - Extra skins
* eePanels2 - All the blue panels with borders
* ElkBuffBars - Buff/debuff display bars
* EnchancedColourPicker - help you copy color settings
* EquipCompare - compare any item with your equipped
* FuBbar - top/bottom toolbars
o ArenaFu - Arena/BG information and calc help

o DurabillityFu - Durabillity
o FuXPFu - XP/Rep tracking
o GuildFu - Show guildies online etc
o MoneyFu - Show's your moniez
o PerformanceFu - (I have this one deactivated, using CML instead)
o WhisperFu - Tracks your whispers
o VolumeFu - Easy volume handling

* Grid - Optional raidframes (good for healing, pitbull works just fine otherwise)
* MiniChat - Min/maxing of chat frames
* Niagra - Collective config for 98% of all ACE addons in one view
* Omen - Threat meter (removal breaks eePanels)
* OnScreenHealth - Numerical health display outside of unit frames
* oRA2 - Raid management
* Parrot - Scrolling Combat Text thingy
* PitBull - Player/Target/ToT/Raid/Pet/Focus unit frames
* Prat - Chat modification
* Quartz - Casting bars
* RaitingBuster - Converts ratings to comprehensible stats
* SharedMedia - Extra font/textures
* SimpleCombatLog - Simplified Combatlog reading
* simpleMinimap - Enhanced minimap (removal breaks eePanels)
* SW_Stats - Damage meters (removal breaks eePanels)
* ThreatToKTM - Enhanced threat to KTM users
* Wardrobe2 - Create gear sets to switch faster
* Visor2 - Helps you align elements (minimap locked down by Visor)
* XLoot - Enhanced loot display

Thank you.
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