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06-16-11, 07:50 AM   #23
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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Join Date: Oct 2009
Posts: 131
I'd like to answer this question if I may in two ways. Firstly in my normal voice and then in a kind of silly high-pitched whine...
Your intention to join the group was loot. This was the same for the 2 DKs.
You choose to queue as Tank because you like to and will get an instant invite and some bonus loot. The two DKs had the same choice to sign up as Tanks but choosed to queue up as dps only, hoping for dps loot.

In a balanced group, everyone has the same right for rolling on gear as any other.

But what does 'balanced' mean?
- As DD, your focus is to dps and do not die or even wipe your group. CC / CS is welcome.
- As a healer, your focus is to heal inevitable damage on the group. You are not the heal bitch to compensate other/your own faults but you will have to.
- As a tank, your focus is to hold aggro, serve the dps a good goal (spot, ae effects) and to coordinate an encounter.

So, without taking the following line-up too serious, this means
Tank > heal > dps
in question of work performed.

So why I ask, WHY shouldn't a tank roll on dps gear?
Especially if he pointed it out at the beginning with nobody giving him a serious answer or stating their disagreement.

As a hybrid class, you are not bound to spec, especially not in a pug.

Nobody is forced to play his hybrid class as Tank but deciding to do so is the logical conclusion of its considerable advantages.

It was mentioned that tanks could force the group into giving them loot etc.
This is not true. Of course, Tanks have a big influence on the groups success, none of its members is forced to fulfill the Tank's egoistic intentions.
That's what the ability to leave or vote-kick is about.
If you are a pure dps, re-queuing or kicking the Tank may be a potential drawback BUT if one of the dps is a Tank/dps-hybrid, it is their opportunity to develop in the game and get some fine loots.

For some new-age players, gear is above everything now it seems to me.
Getting decent gear never was as easy as today.
It is the lack of FEELING and ACTING as a group that destructs the dungeon experience. /agree haylie
In classic, we all used to be in the same boat, making success a consequence of our team-play. Loot was the reward for the time and nerves spend into this.
My reason for playing this game is to have fun with friends and people who may become friends and delight myself with candy (loot, progress, achievements). And there is enough candy for everyone, you just have to choose a successful way to get it.

I hope this isn't too confusing but I was in a rush.

Originally Posted by sakurakira View Post
My usual thing is to roll greed on something I find interesting. If it's sharded, well no huge loss for me. If I have to roll need on something for an OS, I will say so. I haven't done many of the troll dungeons, so most of my runs and rolls are on blues many people don't want anyway. If someone asked for a piece I rolled "needing for os" on, I would probably trade it to them (I suppose it would depend on what kind of a jerk the were earlier in the run).
I am handling it the same way and I think it is one of the best ways.
Author of VuhDo CursorCastBar OptiTaunt Poisoner RaidMobMarker

Last edited by humfras : 06-16-11 at 07:53 AM.
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