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08-05-09, 04:38 AM   #8
Coffee powered Kaldorei
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OK, regarding DockingStation/ChocolateBar. They are both the same type of mod, a LibDataBroker (also known as "LDB" or just plain ol' "Broker") display. This means, they are a front end display for mods that use the LibDataBroker framework. Plug-ins for a Broker display can be "Launchers" or "Data Feeds". A launcher is simply that, a button to launch a config screen or drop down menu. A data feed displays data of some kind (such as DPS or your reputation with a given faction). Frequently a Broker plug-in functions as both a Launcher and a Data Feed.

The trend over the last year or so is away from FuBar/Titan only mods and toward Broker plug-ins, Why? Simple, for the author, they just have to write once and their mod can be displayed on any number of bars/bins/other types of displays. Broker mods are typically smaller in their footprint (both CPU and memory) as the libraries they use are smaller and generally more efficent. You will be suprised at the number of mods that have Broker feed/launchers baked into them. If the mod in question does not have a Broker feed/launcher baked in, then chances are that someone else has written a Broker feed/launcher for it.

Major mods that I know that have Broker support included Pitbull4, Skada, Omen, many of Tekkub's mods, BugSack, Dominos, Bartender4, TomTom plus many more. Other mods like Recount and Macaroon have Broker launchers/feeds written for them.

FuBar can display Broker mods with Broker2FuBar while Titan Panel has Broker support baked in. Broker displays can use most older FuBar mods with the mod FuBar2Broker.

The beautiful thing about LDB is you can use any display you want, even multiple displays. I personally use DockingStation for those Feeds that I want in view all the time and Carousel for Feeds/Launchers that I want access too, but I don't need displayed all the time.

Last edited by Zyonin : 08-05-09 at 04:44 AM.
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