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10-14-08, 05:34 PM   #40
A Deviate Faerie Dragon
Join Date: Aug 2007
Posts: 17
I'm a LONG time user of Mazzle, and I've even donated TWICE in the past. I've been shopping around for a replacement UI for quite some time, but frankly, I have yet to find a UI that is as complete, user friendly, while keeping a relatively clean interface and maximizing the screen space.

So far all I've run across are class specific compilations that I feel are very incomplete. I found one UI that's 'Not Bad' at best, but the UI takes up over 1/3 of the screen! Looks like the only way to get a good UI is to make your own, and I don't have the knowledge or time for that Which is why I've always been more than willing to donate to the project.

Maybe there should be a donation pool going to the people who are updating Mazzle. Honestly, if I was guaranteed a completely updated and working UI by the time WoTLK comes out, I'd be willing to put forth $50 or $60. Of course, by 'updated' I mean the latest libs and things, ace3, Bongo3 etc, so that future updates would be much easier. I have a feeling there are at least a few other users such as myself that would be willing to put forth a bit more than $5 or $10 for such an update. I think if some people are willing to take the challenge they should let us know what it would take so we have a goal to shoot for.

Anyway, that's my $0.02

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