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09-24-10, 08:20 AM   #5
An Onyxian Warder
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Posts: 363
Originally Posted by Bluspacecow View Post
That's a tiny bit arrogant of you isn't it ?

Blaming the victim for the crime isn't it ? Like saying there's no burglary or robbery in the world today - clearly the victims asked for it by having a particular brand of lock on their door! Genius !

Tell me have you ever been hacked ? Known people that have been hacked ?

I do know people that have been hacked. I know people with extremely stringent security measures that have been hacked. I know people hired by the NSA and CIA that have been hacked. These are people that get paid to specialize in computer security. None of them were necessarily hacked for being stupid.

Sometimes its just simply having the bad luck on being lax in some aspect of their security. It doesn't make you stupid it merely means having bad luck.

Also there is no security system in the world that is 100% hacker proof. You can't guard against Zero day exploits. It is flawed reasoning to say everyone who gets hacked is stupid.
OK - lemme put it this way.

Someone whose account is compromised for WoW, didn't happen because someone "hacked" Blizzard or Blizzard's databases. If someone were to have done that, there would be massive numbers (and when i say massive, I mean MASSIVE) of people reporting their accounts being "hacked". Not the trickle there is now.

To answer your questions - no, I've never been hacked. And I've never had a virus on my computers. Because I use my head. I know not to go to links from Blizzard-looking emails. I verify the site I'm going to is actually the site I'm wanting. I don't click on random links to the WoW Armory and enter in my credentials.

Sometimes its just simply having the bad luck on being lax in some aspect of their security. It doesn't make you stupid it merely means having bad luck
Being lax MEANS you're stupid. The definition of lax (not strict or severe; careless or negligent shows that you're lazy, inattentive, not caring.

People using the same password everywhere. Going to random links, seeing a login screen and entering in their credentials. People falling for fake emails, where just a cursory bit of attentiveness easy show they are fake, etc = stupidity.

I'm sorry if you don't agree, but it is.

Do people deserve their accounts to be compromised? Of course not. But them shunting responsibility off on someone else, for their ignorance and lax-ness, is more wrong, than them doing whatever caused their credentials to get compromised to begin with.

If someone says "My WoW account was hacked" and you know exactly what they meant, then the job of using language was successful in that communication occurred successfully.
That's fine - if you wish to continue doing the interpretation in your head, you can. I do it too. When they say "I was hacked" my brain translates it to "I was stupid, did something I shouldn't have done, but I refuse to admit any fault of my own - so I'll blame someone else and say "hacked"."

My interpretation is the correct one, and you know it.


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