Thread: Mazzle and Mac
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05-24-07, 01:05 PM   #20
A Pyroguard Emberseer
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Originally Posted by Ironshield

I can confirm now two PC users that are having the same crash error. It is absolutely limited to the Bongos add ons that come with Mazzle. Although, I did see above that it is likely one of the add ons and not the core or whole suite of Bongos that come with Mazzle.

Here are the tested facts I can contribute:
  • The error message listed above occurs whether on a Mac or PC.
    The error does not occur if you install Bongos2 and remove the Bongos folders that came with Mazzle. (Posted above is a note also that you can install the publicly available Bongos and it works as well.)
    The crash occurs once the blue loading bar is complete as you are logging in to your toon - so everything has been loaded and you are just about to finish looking at the parchment like intro screen after you selected the toon and clicked to log in and you are done reading the nice random message from WoW.
    If you enable all add ons except the bongos add ons (that came with Mazzle) you do not experience the crash - but the UI looks wonky!
    The error occurs no matter which faction or class you use.
    The error occurs no matter which screen lay out you use - I used the newer bongo bars from to get into game and switch layouts and then get out and put the orig bongo bars that came with Mazzle back (removing the newer publicly avail ones) and the error occurred again.
    Once I had the newer versions of bongo bars set up (naturally, you have to set them up once you log in although there is some level of persistence of which spells where in which bongo bars and the key bindings seem to retain although they do not display which key is where), and locked the bars in place, I could not get the Bongo Bars Options frame to display again and it would only display text in the chat window.

The initial prognosis then -- and this is a rather uneducated hypothesis -- is that the bongos packaged with Mazzle is not playing well with the new patch 2.1 changes - whether directly or indirectly. There are some frame windows that do not pop up anymore ("Mazzle UI" in grey letter bottom right corner no longer launches anything, and Bongo Bars Options as mentioned above).

Hope that helps you Mazz -- if you need someone to pore over code, just let us know!

= )
I apppreciate your post, but I think you're making many assumptions that make the conclusions your reach completely incorrect. Many, if not most people are running my bongos just fine, including myself. I don't think there is anything inherently going on that conflicts with 2.1, as you seem to conclude. Moreover, many observations you had after installing newer version of Bongos don't tell us anything. Many things in the MazzleuI code rely on changes in my version of Bongos.

To be honest, everything you describe seems to indicate you got an error while Mazzifying. All the layout stuff you described are completely consistent with that. Furthermore, corrupt bongos settings
could cause a really long bar. The size of the first bar would simply have to be incorrectly set to something large, for example 120, which I could imagine happening if there's an error or an unusual bug. What I would suggest is that you try to recreate the original LUA error that happened when you were mazzifying with the original bongos. That's really the place to start.
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Last edited by Mazzlefizz : 05-24-07 at 01:08 PM.
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