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12-18-12, 10:43 AM   #4
A Defias Bandit
Join Date: Nov 2011
Posts: 2
Slightly different results here: when I delete the cache, then re-start wow, all the LOCAL quests that were previously not in database, re-appear, but DISTANT ones remain not-in-db.

if I then go to the "distant" zone...repeat the cache delete/re-start cycle....then the situation is reversed: the newly local ones (previously distant, and not-in-db) are now available..whilst the original ones, (previously local) but which are now distant, now generate the same not-in-db message.

so...the cache works for me but only on the quests local to my Alt's zone ( I assume) and the n-i-db can be controlled simply by moving from zone to zone and reloading cache