Thread: Doctor Who
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10-15-12, 04:57 PM   #19
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
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To be honest - if there was a point where I felt cheated, it would be last season's finale. I mean, they spent the entire season (including that "break") building up to the Doctor's supposed death, and episode by episode they seemed to go out of the way to close off any possible way of getting out of it. Now, granted - I would've been completely surprised if they actually went ahead with killing the Doctor, but it was the way they actually saved him that made it feel so ridiculously cheap that I could only be left with giving a Tennant-style flat "what" when I saw it.

As far as which one is the better Doctor- while understanding that there's been 11 different actors that have brought their interpretation to the role, I'd have to say that while I greatly enjoyed Tennant's portrayal, as well as liking him as an actor - if I had to say which actor of the New Who that embodies what I'd feel a 900+ year old Time Lord, that has seen more, and has been more than any human will ever see and do, while having a deep fascination and care for humans - I'd have to honestly say that Matt Smith does a better job of portraying the character as how I'd imagine him to be.

Yes, Tennant was certainly quirky with his fashion sense, and there's no doubt he had a lot of love for the role he played - but he never really struck me as someone who was actually playing an alien - someone that has seen so much; but not only seeks out companions because he likes humans, and not just because it prevents him from doing reckless things; but because he needs to live through their excitement and wonder, just to maintain his sanity. That's just something Matt Smith - again in my own opinion - manages to pull off better.

That being said - I do honestly enjoy all three of them, and Tennant does take a very close 2nd place - but to be honest, it would be even closer if Tennant didn't also mean Rose and Donna.
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