Thread: My UI Feedback
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01-23-15, 09:02 PM   #3
A Flamescale Wyrmkin
Join Date: Mar 2007
Posts: 142
You can say anything about anything, I was just forewarning that there are still things on my todo list to hopefully alleviate things like 'your minimap is stock' or 'your chat frame isn't skinned.'

The buffs and debuffs bars were left without pixel borders due to the nature of their stacking, I suppose I could just offset the stacks by a y of -1 to ensure they stack on top of each other and don't have two pixel borders. I will try this to see how it looks.

The debuff bar below my character will receive said 1 pixel background and move 1 pixel down to see how it looks.

Agreed I need to resize raidframes.

Raidframes are that size because I do need to know who's alive for various jobs.

Additionally, the raidframe anchor moves dynamically to always be centered on the screen despite the raid size.
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